Scalp Reflexology
In ancient acupuncture and acupressure practices, there were points known as diagnostic points, which would access a number of body systems at once. These points would allow the practitioner to determine what was out of balance in their client. Over the years, they observed that these same points could be used as treatments in addition to assessing imbalance. This became known as “reflexology". These points are located over many different parts of the body, including the hands, feet, back, chest, ears, nose, long bones, reproductive organs and scalp. Today we’re going to focus on the scalp, and the many ways that accessing specific points on the scalp can bring balance to your body.
When you apply gentle pressure to reflexology points on the scalp, it sends a calming message to the peripheral nerves that flows into the central nervous system. This then sends a signal to the body to adjust the levels of tension in your body, increasing blood flow, increasing oxygenation in the blood and stimulating the organ that the nerve controls. Specific stimulation to certain points, allows the process of reflexology to create an overall sense of relaxation.
In Reflexology and Acupressure we stimulate specific points that are related to organ function. By stimulating specific points reflexology increases blood supply to your internal organs allowing for optimal function. When your organs receive an optimal amount of oxygen via your blood, it enhances the delivery of nutrients as well as the removal of waste from your cells. Reflexology can also provide pain reduction through its calming effect on your central nervous system.
Before we dive into this subject, I’d like to caution you that the head is vital to your health and well-being. You should always be careful and seek out a professional who is specifically trained with hands-on classes and well-educated in reflexology and acupressure, especially scalp reflexology. There are many workshops popping up online that offer no hands on training whatsoever. These workshops are limited and only teach a few protocols that are not effective with the majority of the population. Someone trained through only online courses with no real hands on requirements usually will not have the training to facilitate a reflexology and acupressure session properly. You do not want to spend money on ineffective treatments nor do you want to have anyone work on your body that is not properly trained. Always ask about training, how many hours the person trained for and if they had actual hands on training during their certification process. If there was no hands-on training, I would suggest finding a different practitioner that did have hands on training. There are many great online classes that require hands-on training in conjunction with online lecture. These are perfectly acceptable. Your therapist should be well trained with hands on practicum. Not solely internet training. Why is this?
The scalp is sensitive, and the pressure used should be gentle and specific. The scalp also controls many functions through the brain and in scalp reflexology we are engaging those functions directly. If trained appropriately in how to deal with root cause, most practitioners can enhance your optimal health. If a practitioner is solely trained with protocols it is not addressing the underlying issue and your problem will remain the same even though the therapy might feel good. At Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch, students are instructed in the delicate nature of the scalp. They also receive thorough training and instruction to become skilled at administering scalp reflexology in a gentle, non-invasive way while identifying and working through root cause.
What’s so fascinating about scalp reflexology is that the points on your scalp correspond to your body as if you overlaid the image of a two people laying over the top of your head. It starts with a body lying supine, with their head at your forehead and their feet pointing toward your ears. Where the feet point down towards your temple/ear area on the reflexology chart is actually the part of the brain that engages motor function. This brain center allows you to move your legs and arms. It also allows you to feel sensation in your legs and arms.
The second half of the reflexology chart in Tibetan Scalp Reflexology then has another body lying prone with their head at the base of your skull and feet pointing again towards your ears. On the Reflexology chart, where the eyes lay at the back of the head is the part of the brain that actually controls vision through the optic nerve. If someone gets hit at the back of the head in this area, it usually causes problems with vision and can even cause blindness.
It has always amazed me that in Scalp Reflexology, ancient Chinese & Tibetan Doctors had such strong biological knowledge of how the brain was wired. Their knowledge allowed them to create a chart that corresponded to specific areas of the brain that controlled our basic daily human processes. Processes such as movement, sight, hearing, sensation and touch. All this without any research from western medicine or knowing how the brain worked based on what we consider scientific data of today. It was brilliant!
Some beneficial areas that can be effected through scalp reflexology are:
Motor Skills/Balance: The areas affecting your motor skills and legs are located at the crown of your head, following the central line in the middle of your head, and lines parallel on either side going down to your temple.
Hearing/Speech: Approximately two finger widths above the top of you ear is the line governing your hearing, as well as vertigo. Move immediately down to find the area affecting your speech abilities.
Eyesight: If you experience blurred vision or the inability to use your peripheral vision, the areas running along the back of your occipital ridge on either side of the midline of your scalp can help correct the problem.
Reproduction: Yes, scalp reflexology can really affect any part of your anatomy! Lines on your upper forehead, past your hairline, running directly upward from your outer eyebrow can help with your reproductive organs.
Scalp reflexology is a treatment in its own right and can be skillfully used to bring balance to your entire body, alleviate pain, and enhance relaxation. If you are like me, you will be continuously fascinated with how the body can heal itself through its own internal mechanisms.
Until next time,
Kim M. Green, Founder
Kim is the Founder and Senior Instructor at Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch. She teaches laypeople and professionals alike advanced bodywork techniques which utilize Integrative Meridian Therapy, Hara Assessment, Somatic Trauma Release therapies, Japanese/Chinese Practices and rehabilitative forms of bodywork. She loves teaching practitioners to assist their clients in releasing long-held chronic injury, traumas or somato-emotional patterns that reduce a persons ability to enjoy their lives fully. At ATIT, we believe "All Things Are Possible!" Check out our School Tour. For information on taking ATIT's Scalp Reflexology Class go to this link.
When you apply gentle pressure to reflexology points on the scalp, it sends a calming message to the peripheral nerves that flows into the central nervous system. This then sends a signal to the body to adjust the levels of tension in your body, increasing blood flow, increasing oxygenation in the blood and stimulating the organ that the nerve controls. Specific stimulation to certain points, allows the process of reflexology to create an overall sense of relaxation.
In Reflexology and Acupressure we stimulate specific points that are related to organ function. By stimulating specific points reflexology increases blood supply to your internal organs allowing for optimal function. When your organs receive an optimal amount of oxygen via your blood, it enhances the delivery of nutrients as well as the removal of waste from your cells. Reflexology can also provide pain reduction through its calming effect on your central nervous system.
Before we dive into this subject, I’d like to caution you that the head is vital to your health and well-being. You should always be careful and seek out a professional who is specifically trained with hands-on classes and well-educated in reflexology and acupressure, especially scalp reflexology. There are many workshops popping up online that offer no hands on training whatsoever. These workshops are limited and only teach a few protocols that are not effective with the majority of the population. Someone trained through only online courses with no real hands on requirements usually will not have the training to facilitate a reflexology and acupressure session properly. You do not want to spend money on ineffective treatments nor do you want to have anyone work on your body that is not properly trained. Always ask about training, how many hours the person trained for and if they had actual hands on training during their certification process. If there was no hands-on training, I would suggest finding a different practitioner that did have hands on training. There are many great online classes that require hands-on training in conjunction with online lecture. These are perfectly acceptable. Your therapist should be well trained with hands on practicum. Not solely internet training. Why is this?
The scalp is sensitive, and the pressure used should be gentle and specific. The scalp also controls many functions through the brain and in scalp reflexology we are engaging those functions directly. If trained appropriately in how to deal with root cause, most practitioners can enhance your optimal health. If a practitioner is solely trained with protocols it is not addressing the underlying issue and your problem will remain the same even though the therapy might feel good. At Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch, students are instructed in the delicate nature of the scalp. They also receive thorough training and instruction to become skilled at administering scalp reflexology in a gentle, non-invasive way while identifying and working through root cause.
What’s so fascinating about scalp reflexology is that the points on your scalp correspond to your body as if you overlaid the image of a two people laying over the top of your head. It starts with a body lying supine, with their head at your forehead and their feet pointing toward your ears. Where the feet point down towards your temple/ear area on the reflexology chart is actually the part of the brain that engages motor function. This brain center allows you to move your legs and arms. It also allows you to feel sensation in your legs and arms.
The second half of the reflexology chart in Tibetan Scalp Reflexology then has another body lying prone with their head at the base of your skull and feet pointing again towards your ears. On the Reflexology chart, where the eyes lay at the back of the head is the part of the brain that actually controls vision through the optic nerve. If someone gets hit at the back of the head in this area, it usually causes problems with vision and can even cause blindness.
It has always amazed me that in Scalp Reflexology, ancient Chinese & Tibetan Doctors had such strong biological knowledge of how the brain was wired. Their knowledge allowed them to create a chart that corresponded to specific areas of the brain that controlled our basic daily human processes. Processes such as movement, sight, hearing, sensation and touch. All this without any research from western medicine or knowing how the brain worked based on what we consider scientific data of today. It was brilliant!
Some beneficial areas that can be effected through scalp reflexology are:
Motor Skills/Balance: The areas affecting your motor skills and legs are located at the crown of your head, following the central line in the middle of your head, and lines parallel on either side going down to your temple.
Hearing/Speech: Approximately two finger widths above the top of you ear is the line governing your hearing, as well as vertigo. Move immediately down to find the area affecting your speech abilities.
Eyesight: If you experience blurred vision or the inability to use your peripheral vision, the areas running along the back of your occipital ridge on either side of the midline of your scalp can help correct the problem.
Reproduction: Yes, scalp reflexology can really affect any part of your anatomy! Lines on your upper forehead, past your hairline, running directly upward from your outer eyebrow can help with your reproductive organs.
Scalp reflexology is a treatment in its own right and can be skillfully used to bring balance to your entire body, alleviate pain, and enhance relaxation. If you are like me, you will be continuously fascinated with how the body can heal itself through its own internal mechanisms.
Until next time,
Kim M. Green, Founder
Kim is the Founder and Senior Instructor at Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch. She teaches laypeople and professionals alike advanced bodywork techniques which utilize Integrative Meridian Therapy, Hara Assessment, Somatic Trauma Release therapies, Japanese/Chinese Practices and rehabilitative forms of bodywork. She loves teaching practitioners to assist their clients in releasing long-held chronic injury, traumas or somato-emotional patterns that reduce a persons ability to enjoy their lives fully. At ATIT, we believe "All Things Are Possible!" Check out our School Tour. For information on taking ATIT's Scalp Reflexology Class go to this link.