Professional Services - Jiyu' Clinic Wellness Retreat
Do you have chronic health imbalances? If you do, come spend a 2.5 hour mini-retreat with our Founder, Kim M. Green, as she helps you with real solutions for your chronic issues. Her years of experience in an actual clinical setting will help you avoid the pitfalls of "bad fads" which are so much the rage these days in our overly monetized wellness industry. One size does not fit all.
Kim has over 30 years of hands-on experience helping people who have serious health issues get beyond them to a life well lived.
The Jiyu' Clinic's Wellness Retreat creates an individualized experience based on the issues you are struggling with. If you are truly committed to taking responsibility for your life and making different life choices then this experience is for you!
The first step is a 15 minute personal consult to see if our specialized Wellness Retreat Services might help you or if there is someone who is better suited for your needs. If Kim can't help you, she has a network of long-time collaborators who might be able to. It's about finding you the right person to help you. Not about selling a service.
FMI ~ TEXT ONLY 719-231-5715
Kim has over 30 years of hands-on experience helping people who have serious health issues get beyond them to a life well lived.
The Jiyu' Clinic's Wellness Retreat creates an individualized experience based on the issues you are struggling with. If you are truly committed to taking responsibility for your life and making different life choices then this experience is for you!
The first step is a 15 minute personal consult to see if our specialized Wellness Retreat Services might help you or if there is someone who is better suited for your needs. If Kim can't help you, she has a network of long-time collaborators who might be able to. It's about finding you the right person to help you. Not about selling a service.
FMI ~ TEXT ONLY 719-231-5715
Sliding Scale Fee ~ Student Clinic Services Only
Book your appointment now! TEXT 719-231-5715
Welcome. The Jiyu' Neighborhood Clinic is here to serve you.
Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch’s Student Sessions are based on a sliding scale fee basis. Years ago, we made the commitment to work with everyone regardless of their ability to pay. You pay whatever you feel like you can at the time of your session based on your real financial ability. Our sliding scale fee is waived if you have a financial hardship that does not allow you to offer anything at this time.
Proceeds from student sessions go to help fund ATIT’s educational programs & other collaborative partnerships.
ATIT works with various businesses and organizations providing classes and other services. We have volunteered with the National MS Society teaching caregivers how to do pain relieving therapies for their loved ones, provided students sessions for the Air Force Academy Wife's Appreciation events, vicarious trauma training for the Department of Corrections Offenders staff, and so much more.
Our newly forming nonprofit, Foundation for Growth, Inc., provides services and education regarding complimentary health care to people in the Pikes Peak Region and other areas. We currently work with and educate people with our different programs. Our nonprofit will also has a sustainability branch where we teach the public primitive skills and sustainability programs as well. Foundation For Growth, Inc. is a nonprofit to uplift and help all, one person at a time.
Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch’s Student Sessions are based on a sliding scale fee basis. Years ago, we made the commitment to work with everyone regardless of their ability to pay. You pay whatever you feel like you can at the time of your session based on your real financial ability. Our sliding scale fee is waived if you have a financial hardship that does not allow you to offer anything at this time.
Proceeds from student sessions go to help fund ATIT’s educational programs & other collaborative partnerships.
ATIT works with various businesses and organizations providing classes and other services. We have volunteered with the National MS Society teaching caregivers how to do pain relieving therapies for their loved ones, provided students sessions for the Air Force Academy Wife's Appreciation events, vicarious trauma training for the Department of Corrections Offenders staff, and so much more.
Our newly forming nonprofit, Foundation for Growth, Inc., provides services and education regarding complimentary health care to people in the Pikes Peak Region and other areas. We currently work with and educate people with our different programs. Our nonprofit will also has a sustainability branch where we teach the public primitive skills and sustainability programs as well. Foundation For Growth, Inc. is a nonprofit to uplift and help all, one person at a time.
Student Clinic Services Offered
Foot & Hand Reflexology
Scalp Reflexology
Auricular Therapy
Chapman's Neurolymphatic Sessions
Integrative Meridian Therapy/Reflexology: comprehensively works with disease processes, short term & long term pain alleviation, motor vehicle accidents, multiple sclerosis, general body aches & pain, stroke, injury, falls, stress reduction, traumatic brain injury, relaxation, human trafficking victims, vets, general PTSD, addiction, victims of violent crime, family members of homicide, childhood abuse, rape, assault, neglect, suicide, those people suffering from mental illness and trauma.
Somatic Trauma Release works with human trafficking victims, vets, general PTSD, addiction, victims of violent crime, family members of homicide, childhood abuse, rape, assault, neglect, suicide, those people suffering from mental illness and trauma.
Scalp Reflexology
Auricular Therapy
Chapman's Neurolymphatic Sessions
Integrative Meridian Therapy/Reflexology: comprehensively works with disease processes, short term & long term pain alleviation, motor vehicle accidents, multiple sclerosis, general body aches & pain, stroke, injury, falls, stress reduction, traumatic brain injury, relaxation, human trafficking victims, vets, general PTSD, addiction, victims of violent crime, family members of homicide, childhood abuse, rape, assault, neglect, suicide, those people suffering from mental illness and trauma.
Somatic Trauma Release works with human trafficking victims, vets, general PTSD, addiction, victims of violent crime, family members of homicide, childhood abuse, rape, assault, neglect, suicide, those people suffering from mental illness and trauma.