Kim M. Green, founder
IMT, STR, Advanced curriculum instructor
Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch was founded by Kim M. Green, a dedicated bodyworker for over 30 years since 1992. ATIT has brought in leaders from all over the world to teach over the years. Kim has practiced and studied both professionally & independently with the internal/healing arts of Judo/Shiatsu, Structural Release, Chinese Acupressure and Energetic Bodywork. She has decades of study in structure, cranial, lymphatics, Chapmans, fascia, TBI, disease, repetitive syndromes, somatic bodywork, trauma, PTSD, assault, rape and addiction. Through a diversity of trainings and learning from a traditional Judo Master her interest was piqued about eastern practices. Kim began researching ancient bodywork scripts from the orient at the same time she was learning hands-on from her teachers, thus resulting in her own two unique approaches. Integrative Meridian Therapy and Somatic Trauma Release are a result of a lifetime of research, reading, training, facilitation and practice. ATIT is a state licensed occupational trade school and specializes in Integrative Meridian Therapy and Somatic Trauma Release Certification. Additionally, we offer continuing education credits and shorter certification programs in a multitude of different areas of study.
Sara McMurry grew up with all things natural and holistic. She has been working with light therapy since a child and understands the dynamics of healing in an extremely profound way. Her life and health have been impacted deeply by alternative health. At such a young age she is the next generation that will help the world shift to a new paradigm where the knowledge that we hold will hopefully be common knowledge. The days of hidden processes and trade secrets should be put to an end and everyone should know how to care for themselves and their families. Nobody should monopolize health and not share life with others. It will be her generation that takes back our birth right.
Sara brings an understanding to students who she engages with as our Colorado Springs Admissions Coordinator.
Sara brings an understanding to students who she engages with as our Colorado Springs Admissions Coordinator.
Michele Lewis, RMT, MINISTER ~ Honorary Faculty member
Michele has over 25 years experience in bodywork and massage therapy. She is a great asset to our team as she lived in Colorado Springs for over 20 years and understands this region very well. She is a DoTerra Consultant and currently lives in Alaska working with the VA providing care to veterans. Michele has been instrumental as a consultant to Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch. Her expertise in helping create the curriculum was instrumental at the inception of the school. She holds an honorary position at Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch.
Melissa chambers, It/tech professional
Mel has many years of experience creating and launching vibrant online school platforms. Through her own personal journey and experiences she became enamored with the healing benefits of yoga. It has been her goal and long term dream to help small schools that teach healing professions to get onto a platform where they can launch into the world and share knowledge. Mel brings great experience and dedication to helping students get what they need in the teleclass online school system that ATIT has created.
Enjoli has been assisting ATIT for years with her great personality, willingness to serve and her desire to help all of uss organized with her attention to detail. Enjoli has been learning and using alternative practices since she was a small child growing up in an Ayurvedic home. She now shares her knowledge with her own family and helps keep us all inspired..