Neuro-Lymphatic Drainage ​Lymphatic Drainage Certification
FMI: text 719/231-5715
Neuro-Lymphatic Drainage is a recognized form of therapy that is just coming into its own. ATIT's Neuro-Lymphatic Certification Program was the first in the nation in 2004 to offer such a unique curriculum. Today, it is still one of a kind. At ATIT, our curriculum teaches a comprehensive way of working with the lymph by teaching four very specific, yet intertwined modalities. Chapman's Neuro-Lymphatic Reflex Points, Color Light Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage & Foundational Pelvic Balancing.
Chapman's Neuro-lymphatic Reflex Points help enhance energy levels & creates increased endurance while addressing root cause. It is actually a form of whole body Reflexology that few people know and even fewer teach. By stimulating particular Chapman's Reflex points, it creates lymph flow across the nervous system and stimulates organs to enhanced and optimal function. Chapman's works with many auto-immune disorders, chronic illnesses, lymphatic issues & heart disease as an adjunctive modality. This dynamic way of working with the body can be truly life changing for people in their ability to have a more functional and balanced life.
Color Light Therapy for Toxin Elimination, enhanced Endocrine balance & reduction of Lymphatic Stagnation will also be taught. Again, this modality seeks to understand and work with the physical & psycho-emotional aspects of illness at a very deep level in the Acupressure System. Color Light Therapy works with many auto-immune disorders and chronic illnesses. When combining Color Light Therapy with Chapman's, it can have profound effects that each modality alone cannot create. Combined it enhances optimal balancing of the body.
Without Foundational Pelvic Balancing, the lymph cannot flow through the body effectively. If the pelvis is not balanced, lymph backs up in the legs. The pelvis can be the difference between finding long term relief and having repeated issues with improper lymph flow. Students will also learn Foundational Pelvic Balancing & balancing the thoracic floor to help with lymph flow.
Lymphatic Drainage is the final technique we teach in ATIT's Neuro-Lymphatic Drainage Certification Program. It helps with pain from swelling due to edema, heart disease and inflammation in the body. Lymphatic Drainage is quite profound in what it can do for people that experience debilitating pain caused by swelling.
Therapists coming out of this program will have considerable knowledge of the lymphatic & endocrine system along with how to properly facilitate releases on the lymphatic system in combination with the foundational structures.
Even if you have had Lymphatic Drainage classes before, you will not want to miss these advanced trainings. Individual classes are offered as CE's to professional therapists.
Individual Class Costs: 24 hours - $360.00, 16 hours - $240.00 or 8 hours - $120.00
Lymphatic Drainage Certification Program - Program 4100
Full Certification Program 200 Hours - Full Certification Tuition: $1600.00
Occupational Objective:
Class Requirements for Certification in Lymphatic Drainage:
Elective Module I - Advanced Pelvic Class (24 hours)
Elective Module VI - Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflexes (24 hours)
Lymphatic Drainage Techniques I (24 hours)
Lymphatic Drainage Techniques II (24 hours)
Additional Requirements (96 hours)
Evaluation & Examination (8 hours)
Program Information
Each class is a complete, free-standing course and any class may be taken without enrolling in the entire certification program as long as prerequisites are met.
Elective Module I – Advanced Pelvic Class – (24 clock hours - $360.00)
Specific Course Objective: This course will allow students to confidently evaluate and perform advanced release techniques in working with euro-pelvic issues. Module is scheduled over one – 24 hour weekend.
In this module students will learn advanced release techniques in working with euro-pelvic issues. This course will include both point work and structural release techniques. A more in-depth analysis of the pelvic bowl and its functions will be discussed along with advanced anatomy of the pelvis. Techniques on how to strengthen the pelvic bowl and intrinsic muscles will be given in a fun and interactive way. Pre-requisites: Waived for Certification students Permission of Instructor for non-certification students.
Elective Module VI – Assessment Points – Chapman’s Reflexes (24 hours - $360.00)
Specific Course Objective: This course will teach students the correlation between the eastern assessment points and Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflexes.
This elective class is for those students wanting to understand the Assessment Points and how they correlate to Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflexes. This is a dynamic course offering that unravels the mysteries of how to work with the lymphatic system through the meridian system and Chapman’s points. Specific topics of discussion will be pelvic-thyroid syndrome, lymph drainage, and how to properly assess these issues through point palpation. Pre-requisites: Waived for Certification students. Elective Module I - Advanced Pelvic Class or Permission of Instructor for non-certification students..
Lymphatic Drainage Techniques I - 24 clock hours - $360.00
Specific Course Objective: Students will come away from this module with knowledge regarding basic lymphatic drainage techniques & self-care techniques clients can perform for their own health.
This course starts to give students a basic understanding of the lymphatic system as well as how to effectively treat lymphatic issues. It will discuss tissue draining, energetic draining, client contraindications, surgical dressings and client self-care. Pre-requisites: None
Lymphatic Drainage Techniques II - 24 clock hours - $360.00
Specific Course Objective: This course will teach students additional techniques on how to deal effectively with the lymphatic system.
This course builds upon the knowledge that students have learned in Lymphatic Drainage I class. This class will show applications of advanced techniques, CNS support, pain charges and how to effectively work with the lymph, fascia interactions, pre-post surgical techniques and working with clients under medical supervision. Pre-requisites: Lymphatic Drainage I or permission of instructor.
Additional Requirements – 96 hours
Through continuous practice, students gain familiarity and experience in practicing bodywork and other skills necessary to be an independent practitioner.
Specific Course Objective: The objective of this module is to give students more confidence in practicing their skills through tutorials, one on one practice, case studies, and direct experience. Pre-requisites: Varies - students will be given a timeline of when to start.
Tutorials - 6 hours
Tutorials may be on an individual level with an instructor or with a group of not more than 3 students. It is suggested that a 3 hour tutorial be split amongst three students, however, the student will receive all three hours of tutorial credit even though they are sharing those hours. Tutorials are comprised of a question and answer format where students get their individual questions met that perhaps are not appropriate to bring up in a class setting. Students are encouraged to identify where they are having difficulty and work directly on those issues during tutorial times. Tutorials can be the difference between realizing that there is a difficulty and actually overcoming the dynamics that are creating it.
Practice Sessions - 70 hours
Student Sessions - 20 hours
Students are required to give 20 sessions to the general public or other students. Students are not allowed to charge money for these services or infer that they are a practitioner.
Case Studies - 20 hours
Students are required to work with two clients at 10 sessions per client and follow a case study format.
Evaluation/Examination – 8 hours
Specific Course Objective: The objective of this module is to evaluate students’ performance, review areas of concern in each students practice and pass a final exam prior to full certification. Pre-requisites: Finalization of all
Required Work for Certification or Permission of Instructor.
2 Evaluation Sessions – 4 hrs
Evaluation session are to be given to authorized persons for written feedback from the recipient to the student. These evaluation sessions are incredible learning devices in order to give constructive criticism to students on their strengths and weaknesses. Written feedback forms from the recipient will be given to the student and school to be placed in their student file and evaluated for student performance. Areas which need to be addressed on the evaluation form must be improved on subsequent evaluation sessions or an additional evaluation session will be required. Additional evaluation sessions are at the student’s expense. Fees range from $20.00 - $60.00 per hour.
1 Testing Session – 2 hrs
Testing sessions are to be given to students by authorized persons for written grade. These testing sessions will identify students’ weaknesses and strengths. Written & verbal feedback is given to the student so they might improve on the next testing session. Testing sessions will be graded by the instructors overseeing testing sessions. Testing sessions must be completed by the end of the certification program. Also, student weaknesses that are identified on the first testing session must be improved on subsequent testing sessions in order to have a passing grade.
Final Examination – 2 hours
Students will be tested by both verbal and written examination. A final hands-on practicum will also be given during the final testing weekend. Students’ weaknesses that are identified on the 3 initial testing sessions must be improved on the final practicum in order to pass. A student receiving a non-passing grade will be given instruction on what they need to improve and will be able to take the practicum over a second time. .
Chapman's Neuro-lymphatic Reflex Points help enhance energy levels & creates increased endurance while addressing root cause. It is actually a form of whole body Reflexology that few people know and even fewer teach. By stimulating particular Chapman's Reflex points, it creates lymph flow across the nervous system and stimulates organs to enhanced and optimal function. Chapman's works with many auto-immune disorders, chronic illnesses, lymphatic issues & heart disease as an adjunctive modality. This dynamic way of working with the body can be truly life changing for people in their ability to have a more functional and balanced life.
Color Light Therapy for Toxin Elimination, enhanced Endocrine balance & reduction of Lymphatic Stagnation will also be taught. Again, this modality seeks to understand and work with the physical & psycho-emotional aspects of illness at a very deep level in the Acupressure System. Color Light Therapy works with many auto-immune disorders and chronic illnesses. When combining Color Light Therapy with Chapman's, it can have profound effects that each modality alone cannot create. Combined it enhances optimal balancing of the body.
Without Foundational Pelvic Balancing, the lymph cannot flow through the body effectively. If the pelvis is not balanced, lymph backs up in the legs. The pelvis can be the difference between finding long term relief and having repeated issues with improper lymph flow. Students will also learn Foundational Pelvic Balancing & balancing the thoracic floor to help with lymph flow.
Lymphatic Drainage is the final technique we teach in ATIT's Neuro-Lymphatic Drainage Certification Program. It helps with pain from swelling due to edema, heart disease and inflammation in the body. Lymphatic Drainage is quite profound in what it can do for people that experience debilitating pain caused by swelling.
Therapists coming out of this program will have considerable knowledge of the lymphatic & endocrine system along with how to properly facilitate releases on the lymphatic system in combination with the foundational structures.
Even if you have had Lymphatic Drainage classes before, you will not want to miss these advanced trainings. Individual classes are offered as CE's to professional therapists.
Individual Class Costs: 24 hours - $360.00, 16 hours - $240.00 or 8 hours - $120.00
Lymphatic Drainage Certification Program - Program 4100
Full Certification Program 200 Hours - Full Certification Tuition: $1600.00
Occupational Objective:
- The graduate of this program should be able to practice this form of bodywork in a private practice or in a rehabilitative practice.
- Graduating students should demonstrate skill, confidence, compassion & proficiency in assessment, evaluation and the application of Lymphatic techniques.
- Graduates should also be able to work alongside adjunctive health care professionals and be able to discuss Lymphatic Drainage and its function in relation to other therapies.
Class Requirements for Certification in Lymphatic Drainage:
Elective Module I - Advanced Pelvic Class (24 hours)
Elective Module VI - Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflexes (24 hours)
Lymphatic Drainage Techniques I (24 hours)
Lymphatic Drainage Techniques II (24 hours)
Additional Requirements (96 hours)
Evaluation & Examination (8 hours)
Program Information
Each class is a complete, free-standing course and any class may be taken without enrolling in the entire certification program as long as prerequisites are met.
Elective Module I – Advanced Pelvic Class – (24 clock hours - $360.00)
Specific Course Objective: This course will allow students to confidently evaluate and perform advanced release techniques in working with euro-pelvic issues. Module is scheduled over one – 24 hour weekend.
In this module students will learn advanced release techniques in working with euro-pelvic issues. This course will include both point work and structural release techniques. A more in-depth analysis of the pelvic bowl and its functions will be discussed along with advanced anatomy of the pelvis. Techniques on how to strengthen the pelvic bowl and intrinsic muscles will be given in a fun and interactive way. Pre-requisites: Waived for Certification students Permission of Instructor for non-certification students.
Elective Module VI – Assessment Points – Chapman’s Reflexes (24 hours - $360.00)
Specific Course Objective: This course will teach students the correlation between the eastern assessment points and Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflexes.
This elective class is for those students wanting to understand the Assessment Points and how they correlate to Chapman’s Neurolymphatic Reflexes. This is a dynamic course offering that unravels the mysteries of how to work with the lymphatic system through the meridian system and Chapman’s points. Specific topics of discussion will be pelvic-thyroid syndrome, lymph drainage, and how to properly assess these issues through point palpation. Pre-requisites: Waived for Certification students. Elective Module I - Advanced Pelvic Class or Permission of Instructor for non-certification students..
Lymphatic Drainage Techniques I - 24 clock hours - $360.00
Specific Course Objective: Students will come away from this module with knowledge regarding basic lymphatic drainage techniques & self-care techniques clients can perform for their own health.
This course starts to give students a basic understanding of the lymphatic system as well as how to effectively treat lymphatic issues. It will discuss tissue draining, energetic draining, client contraindications, surgical dressings and client self-care. Pre-requisites: None
Lymphatic Drainage Techniques II - 24 clock hours - $360.00
Specific Course Objective: This course will teach students additional techniques on how to deal effectively with the lymphatic system.
This course builds upon the knowledge that students have learned in Lymphatic Drainage I class. This class will show applications of advanced techniques, CNS support, pain charges and how to effectively work with the lymph, fascia interactions, pre-post surgical techniques and working with clients under medical supervision. Pre-requisites: Lymphatic Drainage I or permission of instructor.
Additional Requirements – 96 hours
Through continuous practice, students gain familiarity and experience in practicing bodywork and other skills necessary to be an independent practitioner.
Specific Course Objective: The objective of this module is to give students more confidence in practicing their skills through tutorials, one on one practice, case studies, and direct experience. Pre-requisites: Varies - students will be given a timeline of when to start.
Tutorials - 6 hours
Tutorials may be on an individual level with an instructor or with a group of not more than 3 students. It is suggested that a 3 hour tutorial be split amongst three students, however, the student will receive all three hours of tutorial credit even though they are sharing those hours. Tutorials are comprised of a question and answer format where students get their individual questions met that perhaps are not appropriate to bring up in a class setting. Students are encouraged to identify where they are having difficulty and work directly on those issues during tutorial times. Tutorials can be the difference between realizing that there is a difficulty and actually overcoming the dynamics that are creating it.
Practice Sessions - 70 hours
Student Sessions - 20 hours
Students are required to give 20 sessions to the general public or other students. Students are not allowed to charge money for these services or infer that they are a practitioner.
Case Studies - 20 hours
Students are required to work with two clients at 10 sessions per client and follow a case study format.
Evaluation/Examination – 8 hours
Specific Course Objective: The objective of this module is to evaluate students’ performance, review areas of concern in each students practice and pass a final exam prior to full certification. Pre-requisites: Finalization of all
Required Work for Certification or Permission of Instructor.
2 Evaluation Sessions – 4 hrs
Evaluation session are to be given to authorized persons for written feedback from the recipient to the student. These evaluation sessions are incredible learning devices in order to give constructive criticism to students on their strengths and weaknesses. Written feedback forms from the recipient will be given to the student and school to be placed in their student file and evaluated for student performance. Areas which need to be addressed on the evaluation form must be improved on subsequent evaluation sessions or an additional evaluation session will be required. Additional evaluation sessions are at the student’s expense. Fees range from $20.00 - $60.00 per hour.
1 Testing Session – 2 hrs
Testing sessions are to be given to students by authorized persons for written grade. These testing sessions will identify students’ weaknesses and strengths. Written & verbal feedback is given to the student so they might improve on the next testing session. Testing sessions will be graded by the instructors overseeing testing sessions. Testing sessions must be completed by the end of the certification program. Also, student weaknesses that are identified on the first testing session must be improved on subsequent testing sessions in order to have a passing grade.
Final Examination – 2 hours
Students will be tested by both verbal and written examination. A final hands-on practicum will also be given during the final testing weekend. Students’ weaknesses that are identified on the 3 initial testing sessions must be improved on the final practicum in order to pass. A student receiving a non-passing grade will be given instruction on what they need to improve and will be able to take the practicum over a second time. .