Pre-Post Surgical Massage certification
to register 719/231-5715
Pre-Post Surgical/Medical Massage Certification Program
Pre-Post Surgical/Medical Massage Certification Program – Program 9100 (250 hours)
12 Month Training Program - Full Certification
This program provides a comprehensive education in medical massage as well as therapies that are imperative in dealing with pre and post surgical issues. This is a dynamic certification that will take any therapists practice to the next level.
Occupational Objective:
Ø The graduate of this program should be able to practice this form of bodywork in a private practice or in a rehabilitative practice.
Ø Graduating students should demonstrate skill, confidence, compassion & proficiency in assessment, evaluation and the application of these bodywork techniques.
· Graduates should also be able to work alongside adjunctive health care professionals and be able to discuss Pre-Post Surgical & Medical Massage Therapy and its functions in relation to other therapies.
Class Requirements for Certification in Fascia Release:
Basic Bodywork Release w/Beginning Potent Points (24)
Medical Massage Techniques (24)
Elective Module I – Advanced Pelvic Class (24)
Elective Module VII -Cranial Techniques I (24)
Advanced Fascia Release Techniques for Rehabilitation (24)
Lymphatic Drainage I (24 hours)
Additional Requirements (98)
Evaluation/Examination Examination (8)
Program Information
· Each class is a complete, free-standing course and any class may be taken without enrolling in the entire certification program as long as prerequisites are met.
· Individual classes may be counted towards Continuing Education Credits or CEU’s.
· The program must be completed within a three year time frame.
· Tuition & Schedule - please see addendums “Tuition Addendum A” &
“Schedule Addendum B”
Required Materials
Two clean sheets and a pillowcase for each class
Basic Bodywork Release w/Beginning Potent Points (24 hours)
Specific Course Objective: This course will teach students basic positional release techniques and how to use them on the potent points.
In this module students will learn beginning release techniques in working with the acupressure system and how to work effectively with the bodies own energetic signatures. Specific protocols will be learned to help facilitate relaxation and well-being in the client.
Pre-requisite: None
Medical Massage Techniques (24 hours)
Specific Course Objective: Students will learn how to perform specific medical massage techniques for rehabilitation.
This exciting class offers new techniques on how to work with medically oriented issues that are diagnosed by physicians. Students will learn about musculoskeletal disorders, massage technique and treatment of pre-post surgical issues and pre medical massage. Back surgeries, neck injuries, and other extremely high profile injuries will be covered. Pre-requisites: Massage Therapy Registration (State)
Elective Module I – Advanced-Pelvic Class – (24 hours)
Specific Course Objective: This course will allow students to confidently evaluate and perform advanced release techniques in working
with advanced pelvic issues.
In this module students will learn advanced release techniques in working with pelvic issues. This course will include both point work and structural release techniques. A more in-depth analysis of the pelvic bowl and its functions will be discussed along with advanced anatomy of the pelvis. Techniques on how to strengthen the pelvic bowl and intrinsic muscles will be given in a fun and interactive way. Pre-requisites: Waived for Certification Students. Meridian Module I, II, III & Iv or Permission of Instructor for non-certification students
Elective Module VII -Cranial Techniques I (24 hours)
Specific Course Objective: This course will allow students to evaluate and perform advanced release techniques from an energetic,
physio-mechanical and meridian standpoint.
Students will learn cranial from an energetic, physio-mechanical, and meridian point perspective. This class can be transformational for all those who take it. Cranial work can be the missing link in working with clients that just don’t seem to get better. Pre-requisites: None
Advanced Fascia Release Techniques for Rehabilitation (24 hours)
Specific Course Objective: Students will learn advanced protocols of how to work with fascia for the entire body.
This class brings many of the techniques together in a specific way that will enhance sessions and provide greater understanding of fascia therapy and how to understand the bodies patterns as a whole. This class allows students to be effective in resolving the underlying issues of pain and imbalances. Pre-requisite: None
Lymphatic Drainage I - 24 clock hours
Specific Course Objective: Students will come away from this module with knowledge regarding basic lymphatic drainage techniques & self-care techniques clients can perform for their own health.
This course starts to give students a basic understanding of the lymphatic system as well as how to effectively treat lymphatic issues. It will discuss tissue draining, energetic draining, client contraindications, surgical dressings and client self-care. Pre-requisites: None
Additional Requirements – 98 hours
Through continuous practice, students gain familiarity and experience in practicing bodywork and other skills necessary to be an independent practitioner.
Specific Course Objective: The objective of this module is to give students more confidence in practicing their skills through tutorials, one on one practice, case studies, and direct experience. Pre-requisites: Varies - students will be given a timeline of when to start.
Tutorials - 8 hours – Please see page 30 for descriptions.
Practice Sessions - 70 hours
Students are required to give 70 sessions to the general public or other students. Students are not allowed to charge money for these services or infer that they are a practitioner.
Case Studies - 20 hours
Students are required to work with two clients at 10 sessions per client and follow a
case study format.
Evaluation/Examination (8 hours)
See Class Description on Page 30.
Pre-Post Surgical/Medical Massage Certification Program – Program 9100 (250 hours)
12 Month Training Program - Full Certification
This program provides a comprehensive education in medical massage as well as therapies that are imperative in dealing with pre and post surgical issues. This is a dynamic certification that will take any therapists practice to the next level.
Occupational Objective:
Ø The graduate of this program should be able to practice this form of bodywork in a private practice or in a rehabilitative practice.
Ø Graduating students should demonstrate skill, confidence, compassion & proficiency in assessment, evaluation and the application of these bodywork techniques.
· Graduates should also be able to work alongside adjunctive health care professionals and be able to discuss Pre-Post Surgical & Medical Massage Therapy and its functions in relation to other therapies.
Class Requirements for Certification in Fascia Release:
Basic Bodywork Release w/Beginning Potent Points (24)
Medical Massage Techniques (24)
Elective Module I – Advanced Pelvic Class (24)
Elective Module VII -Cranial Techniques I (24)
Advanced Fascia Release Techniques for Rehabilitation (24)
Lymphatic Drainage I (24 hours)
Additional Requirements (98)
Evaluation/Examination Examination (8)
Program Information
· Each class is a complete, free-standing course and any class may be taken without enrolling in the entire certification program as long as prerequisites are met.
· Individual classes may be counted towards Continuing Education Credits or CEU’s.
· The program must be completed within a three year time frame.
· Tuition & Schedule - please see addendums “Tuition Addendum A” &
“Schedule Addendum B”
Required Materials
Two clean sheets and a pillowcase for each class
Basic Bodywork Release w/Beginning Potent Points (24 hours)
Specific Course Objective: This course will teach students basic positional release techniques and how to use them on the potent points.
In this module students will learn beginning release techniques in working with the acupressure system and how to work effectively with the bodies own energetic signatures. Specific protocols will be learned to help facilitate relaxation and well-being in the client.
Pre-requisite: None
Medical Massage Techniques (24 hours)
Specific Course Objective: Students will learn how to perform specific medical massage techniques for rehabilitation.
This exciting class offers new techniques on how to work with medically oriented issues that are diagnosed by physicians. Students will learn about musculoskeletal disorders, massage technique and treatment of pre-post surgical issues and pre medical massage. Back surgeries, neck injuries, and other extremely high profile injuries will be covered. Pre-requisites: Massage Therapy Registration (State)
Elective Module I – Advanced-Pelvic Class – (24 hours)
Specific Course Objective: This course will allow students to confidently evaluate and perform advanced release techniques in working
with advanced pelvic issues.
In this module students will learn advanced release techniques in working with pelvic issues. This course will include both point work and structural release techniques. A more in-depth analysis of the pelvic bowl and its functions will be discussed along with advanced anatomy of the pelvis. Techniques on how to strengthen the pelvic bowl and intrinsic muscles will be given in a fun and interactive way. Pre-requisites: Waived for Certification Students. Meridian Module I, II, III & Iv or Permission of Instructor for non-certification students
Elective Module VII -Cranial Techniques I (24 hours)
Specific Course Objective: This course will allow students to evaluate and perform advanced release techniques from an energetic,
physio-mechanical and meridian standpoint.
Students will learn cranial from an energetic, physio-mechanical, and meridian point perspective. This class can be transformational for all those who take it. Cranial work can be the missing link in working with clients that just don’t seem to get better. Pre-requisites: None
Advanced Fascia Release Techniques for Rehabilitation (24 hours)
Specific Course Objective: Students will learn advanced protocols of how to work with fascia for the entire body.
This class brings many of the techniques together in a specific way that will enhance sessions and provide greater understanding of fascia therapy and how to understand the bodies patterns as a whole. This class allows students to be effective in resolving the underlying issues of pain and imbalances. Pre-requisite: None
Lymphatic Drainage I - 24 clock hours
Specific Course Objective: Students will come away from this module with knowledge regarding basic lymphatic drainage techniques & self-care techniques clients can perform for their own health.
This course starts to give students a basic understanding of the lymphatic system as well as how to effectively treat lymphatic issues. It will discuss tissue draining, energetic draining, client contraindications, surgical dressings and client self-care. Pre-requisites: None
Additional Requirements – 98 hours
Through continuous practice, students gain familiarity and experience in practicing bodywork and other skills necessary to be an independent practitioner.
Specific Course Objective: The objective of this module is to give students more confidence in practicing their skills through tutorials, one on one practice, case studies, and direct experience. Pre-requisites: Varies - students will be given a timeline of when to start.
Tutorials - 8 hours – Please see page 30 for descriptions.
Practice Sessions - 70 hours
Students are required to give 70 sessions to the general public or other students. Students are not allowed to charge money for these services or infer that they are a practitioner.
Case Studies - 20 hours
Students are required to work with two clients at 10 sessions per client and follow a
case study format.
Evaluation/Examination (8 hours)
See Class Description on Page 30.