Historically in Asian cultures, practitioners learned advanced modalities over a 10 year period of time so they knew how to affect all systems of the body and treat every issue their clients struggled with. Asian students didn't touch a person until the instructor said they had the expertise to do so. This is the ethical way to practice and how we treat all of our clients that go through our student clinic at ATIT. Students only begin clinical practice after they have the expertise to work on a person, not after a particular rotation of classes are taught.
Asian Practitioners learned chiropractic, herbalism, qigong, movement, acupuncture, acupressure, diagnostics, nutrition, trade secrets, shiatsu, massage and more. Until it was brought to America from the Orient, traditionally massage was never supposed to be taught as an individual modality standing apart from the other healing practices and segmenting the musculature of the body from the whole. Massage was supposed to be an adjunctive therapy practiced by a well trained holistic health practitioner only as a part of the much larger treatment system they practiced.
On average, most Americans have 3-5 doctors who practice their specialty. For those Americans who use alternative care, they have an average of 3-5 holistic practitioners who only practice one specialty as well. Just as medical doctors have specialized in cardiology, pulmonology, neurology, etc., our holistic practitioners have done the same thing in our society. A massage therapy curriculum only teaches the musculature and very little else about how to impact the other systems in the body. Similarly, Herbalism only teaches herbalism. Acupuncture only teaches meridians and TCM. This is still siloed learning and care just like with western medicine.
This specialization is cost prohibitive and has put alternatives out of reach for many people. It is also not very effective for our clients to receive segmented care. People do not heal in silos. That's why ATIT teaches students how to be a comprehensive practitioner for their clients so the care they give is not segmented in any way and deeply impactful. We still practice ethical care and refer out when it's appropriate because the client's needs are always our utmost concern, but our students can usually work with almost every client that walks through our doors.
ATIT is not a fast-track program and we do not teach in silos. We teach both Classical and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as part of our beginning foundational curriculum. These are very important distinctions that make ATIT unique. No other school in the nation teaches Classical Asian Medicine through conceptualized learning which was how practitioners were traditionally trained. Conceptualized learning is very different than the American model of learning. The American model of learning is based on protocols and overladen learning. Overladen learning is a form of education where one subject is barely achieved before students move onto the next subject. It is also where students cram to pass a test and then have no long-term memory of the subject matter. Overladen learning doesn't allow students to acquire expertise before graduation nor does it allow them to remember much of their training long-term.
By giving you a good beginning foundation, time to learn conceptually and then expanding that with advanced classes, it's like getting a Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degree all in one program. You will also learn how to not harm your body and avoid career ending repetitive motion syndromes. Shiatsu based TCM training and massage are all very physically taxing on shoulders, joints and fingers. On average, repetitive motion syndromes start within 3-5 years. Our curriculum trains you in Integrative Meridian Therapy which does not cause repetitive motion injuries at all so you can practice a lifetime.
We still teach Shiatsu and massage, but when you are able to practice in multiple ways you have choices which you do not have with just an individual modality of massage or TCM based Shiatsu alone.
Why is ATIT not a fast-track program? Because we want you to learn how to work with every system in the body, be gentle on yourself and be an exceptional practitioner. This takes time to learn. It takes several years to accomplish true understanding of Advanced Bodywork, TCM and Classical Asian Medicine. It was not by accident that Asian Practitioners trained for 10 years in the Orient and Acupuncturists train for at least four years in the United States.
That's why we have created our combined certification programs that are 1375-1800 hours of training through conceptualized learning over a longer period of time where you can achieve a deeper understanding of extremely complex systems with ease.
In fast-track programs students learn the basics, how to perform on a test, and then move onto the next subject. Studies have shown that retention levels are very low with this type of learning. Spacing learning over longer periods of time leads to deeper understanding of the subject matter, long term retention and better outcomes in professions. The western model of overladen instruction isn't really learning, it's just getting through.
The Founder of ATIT created a special curriculum with her unique bodywork approaches and vast knowledge of healing formularies from around the world. Over 20 years ago her desire was to teach true functional holistic health in a spaced manner. In her major studying research, forensics and world health practices, she learned unique and efficacious forms of healing from many cultures that nobody else teaches at this time.
Massage therapists who graduate from a singular modality program with a few add-on programs have to take decades of continuing education and spend $100,000's of dollars to learn everything that ATIT teaches in in our programs. You learn a comprehensive system of healing upon graduating.
Why does ATIT offer so much? Normally within 12-18 months of graduating from a fast track massage therapy school, most massage therapists start seeking more training. Innately, they know the body can heal itself, but they don't know how to facilitate that healing. Our Founder had this very same experience as did many of her peers. She knew there was more and she found it.
That's why she created programs to share her discoveries with students. She also knows what works to make you the best practitioner and how to weather economic downturns. While many massage practices closed during the tech bubble, 9/11, the housing collapse, the market crash of 2008 and Covid her practice survived. It's still thriving after 30 years because she knew Advanced Bodywork and foundational holistic health.
Unfortunately, massage is a discretionary item that people forgo during rough financial times and is one of the first things that get cut out of family budgets. Holistic health care is not.
Holistic health care differs from massage and can save your practice during hard times. Holistic health is not a discretionary item that gets cut from budgets when a practitioner shows true expertise. People know value and will always seek an advanced practitioner who can help them stay healthy or bring them back to health even during financially challenging times. You will learn to be an expert in the field of holistic health at ATIT.
AT ATIT, we teach from an Asian perspective. Upon graduating from our programs, you will know every system of the body and how to impact each person you touch profoundly with our specialized training.
Asian Practitioners learned chiropractic, herbalism, qigong, movement, acupuncture, acupressure, diagnostics, nutrition, trade secrets, shiatsu, massage and more. Until it was brought to America from the Orient, traditionally massage was never supposed to be taught as an individual modality standing apart from the other healing practices and segmenting the musculature of the body from the whole. Massage was supposed to be an adjunctive therapy practiced by a well trained holistic health practitioner only as a part of the much larger treatment system they practiced.
On average, most Americans have 3-5 doctors who practice their specialty. For those Americans who use alternative care, they have an average of 3-5 holistic practitioners who only practice one specialty as well. Just as medical doctors have specialized in cardiology, pulmonology, neurology, etc., our holistic practitioners have done the same thing in our society. A massage therapy curriculum only teaches the musculature and very little else about how to impact the other systems in the body. Similarly, Herbalism only teaches herbalism. Acupuncture only teaches meridians and TCM. This is still siloed learning and care just like with western medicine.
This specialization is cost prohibitive and has put alternatives out of reach for many people. It is also not very effective for our clients to receive segmented care. People do not heal in silos. That's why ATIT teaches students how to be a comprehensive practitioner for their clients so the care they give is not segmented in any way and deeply impactful. We still practice ethical care and refer out when it's appropriate because the client's needs are always our utmost concern, but our students can usually work with almost every client that walks through our doors.
ATIT is not a fast-track program and we do not teach in silos. We teach both Classical and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as part of our beginning foundational curriculum. These are very important distinctions that make ATIT unique. No other school in the nation teaches Classical Asian Medicine through conceptualized learning which was how practitioners were traditionally trained. Conceptualized learning is very different than the American model of learning. The American model of learning is based on protocols and overladen learning. Overladen learning is a form of education where one subject is barely achieved before students move onto the next subject. It is also where students cram to pass a test and then have no long-term memory of the subject matter. Overladen learning doesn't allow students to acquire expertise before graduation nor does it allow them to remember much of their training long-term.
By giving you a good beginning foundation, time to learn conceptually and then expanding that with advanced classes, it's like getting a Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degree all in one program. You will also learn how to not harm your body and avoid career ending repetitive motion syndromes. Shiatsu based TCM training and massage are all very physically taxing on shoulders, joints and fingers. On average, repetitive motion syndromes start within 3-5 years. Our curriculum trains you in Integrative Meridian Therapy which does not cause repetitive motion injuries at all so you can practice a lifetime.
We still teach Shiatsu and massage, but when you are able to practice in multiple ways you have choices which you do not have with just an individual modality of massage or TCM based Shiatsu alone.
Why is ATIT not a fast-track program? Because we want you to learn how to work with every system in the body, be gentle on yourself and be an exceptional practitioner. This takes time to learn. It takes several years to accomplish true understanding of Advanced Bodywork, TCM and Classical Asian Medicine. It was not by accident that Asian Practitioners trained for 10 years in the Orient and Acupuncturists train for at least four years in the United States.
That's why we have created our combined certification programs that are 1375-1800 hours of training through conceptualized learning over a longer period of time where you can achieve a deeper understanding of extremely complex systems with ease.
In fast-track programs students learn the basics, how to perform on a test, and then move onto the next subject. Studies have shown that retention levels are very low with this type of learning. Spacing learning over longer periods of time leads to deeper understanding of the subject matter, long term retention and better outcomes in professions. The western model of overladen instruction isn't really learning, it's just getting through.
The Founder of ATIT created a special curriculum with her unique bodywork approaches and vast knowledge of healing formularies from around the world. Over 20 years ago her desire was to teach true functional holistic health in a spaced manner. In her major studying research, forensics and world health practices, she learned unique and efficacious forms of healing from many cultures that nobody else teaches at this time.
Massage therapists who graduate from a singular modality program with a few add-on programs have to take decades of continuing education and spend $100,000's of dollars to learn everything that ATIT teaches in in our programs. You learn a comprehensive system of healing upon graduating.
Why does ATIT offer so much? Normally within 12-18 months of graduating from a fast track massage therapy school, most massage therapists start seeking more training. Innately, they know the body can heal itself, but they don't know how to facilitate that healing. Our Founder had this very same experience as did many of her peers. She knew there was more and she found it.
That's why she created programs to share her discoveries with students. She also knows what works to make you the best practitioner and how to weather economic downturns. While many massage practices closed during the tech bubble, 9/11, the housing collapse, the market crash of 2008 and Covid her practice survived. It's still thriving after 30 years because she knew Advanced Bodywork and foundational holistic health.
Unfortunately, massage is a discretionary item that people forgo during rough financial times and is one of the first things that get cut out of family budgets. Holistic health care is not.
Holistic health care differs from massage and can save your practice during hard times. Holistic health is not a discretionary item that gets cut from budgets when a practitioner shows true expertise. People know value and will always seek an advanced practitioner who can help them stay healthy or bring them back to health even during financially challenging times. You will learn to be an expert in the field of holistic health at ATIT.
- Multiple modalities
- Functional Holistic Health With Rare Formularies
- Self-care taught through herbalism, nutrition, movement, unwinding therapies
- Combined Certifications ~ includes every class ATIT offers
- Rotational class structure ~ one class at a time provides in-depth learning without instructor distraction
- Mentorship learning ~ provides one-on-one tutorship
- Personalized support and case study questions after graduation with the Founder
- Learning like our ancestors taught
- ATIT teaches you to be ambidextrous brained to be a better practitioner
- Helps you strengthen your natural innate & intuitive gifts
- Teaches scientific, research and medical oriented practices
- Critical thinking skills are emphasized for better practice and client outcomes
- Immersion program
- Spaced Learning System for long-term retention
- Is not fast-tracked ~ truly learn how to help others
- Has affordable tuition
- Is created to meet your schedule
- ATIT doesn't use inflated certification/practice hours or count home textbook study as part of our certifications. You receive actual training hours promised.
- In-depth training in subject matter so you learn to practice every subject as an expert upon graduation. (Massage school industry standard: offers misleading 8-16 hour introductory extracurricular trainings which does not or barely teaches how to use in actual practice.)
- Allows you to negotiate a higher salary upon graduation due to your advanced knowledge
- Does not make you give up family, friends, work or your life to attend. We match your life
- Prepares you for licensing exams
- Pay as you go payment plan (ATIT does not own the bank that makes students loans. Before signing student loan papers, always ask who owns the "bank". The "bank" is normally a side business of the massage school.)
- Tuition is straight-forward. There are no hidden fees. (ATIT doesn't promise free tables, chairs or other items then charge you for them as part of the tuition fees. Our tuition is strictly that: tuition.)
- Prepares you to take highly advanced continuing education classes upon graduation
- Massage Certification is not required to take other Advanced Programs
- Has a sliding scale fee student clinic to benefit the community
- ATIT does not financially exploit students during clinicals where sessions are how the school makes additional money: our sliding scale fee is a testament to that.
- Our clinic is a gift to the community and to our students ~ giving reminds students what we are all here for ~ to be kind and help one another.
- Students only start clinicals once they are good enough to work on people, not after a particular rotation of classes.
- Only learning massage or shiatsu sets students up for Repetitive Motion Syndromes & Career Ending Injuries
- Integrative Meridian Therapy allows you to practice a lifetime. Our gentle bodywork won't harm you in any way
AT ATIT, we teach from an Asian perspective. Upon graduating from our programs, you will know every system of the body and how to impact each person you touch profoundly with our specialized training.
- You will learn how to help every person that walks through your door through massage, advanced bodywork, herbalism, holistic health practices, self-care, Classical Chinese & Japanese Medicine, TCM, Shiatsu and more.
- Receive the gift of old knowledge & exponentially advance your learning through historical expertise. Learn from a pioneer with almost 30 years of experience. Plus, our Founder has had 14 mentors with over 850 years of combined experience she draws from during every class
- ATIT teaches assessment-based healing practices, not protocols or technique where one size fits all. Truly learn about each individual's personal biochemistry, physiological structure, meridian patterns.... You will learn how to help each individual based on their unique challenges and needs.
- Become Ambidextrous Brained: Imagine combining your intuitive mind with the science, research and skill behind it to impact people profoundly.
- Our Founder's Commitment: to teach those students who have the calling to do this work. ATIT charges $6 per student hour unlike the competitive rate of $20-$25. We do not discount our rates because our training is less in any way. We do this so all who feel lead to help others will have the opportunity to learn
- Our sliding scale fee student clinic is our service & gift to the community just like our tuition rates. Clients in student clinic pay what they can truly afford.
- Graduate with over 1800 hours of education through our Combined Certification Programs - IMT, STR & Medical Massage Combined. Combined certification graduates also learn Reflexology, Acupressure, Chinese/Japanese Medicine, Beginning Herbalism/Nutrition, Traditional Remedies, Energy Medicine, Business Skills, etc. These trainings would cost you almost $100,000 if these certifications were taken individually. (Smaller certification programs are available as well.)
- Graduate With No Student Debt & Without A Bank Loan - ATIT Offers A Very Generous Owner Carry Program & 0% Interest Payment Schedule So You Graduate Free From Worry.
- Local & national students can take our trainings in our unique tele-class format. You do not have to live in this region to learn or go through our programs
- ATIT is a Licensed Occupational Trade School and as such you can become licensed in your chosen profession based on individual state requirements.
She has assisted 1000's in realizing their life's purpose!
If you desire to truly help others, Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch has one of the most comprehensive & cutting edge curriculums of study in the United States where you can learn to deeply impact another person's healing. Become certified in the budding field of Complimentary Health Care in one or all of the following career fields:
Begin your career today by attending ATIT. Enroll in our medically based massage school program & advanced bodywork certifications and gain knowledge about practices no other school teaches in the United States. A truly remarkable experience is what you'll receive with an education at ATIT.
Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch and its courses are “Approved and Regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board.” Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch and its “Agents licensed by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board.”
- Advanced Medical Massage Therapist
- Advanced Reflexologist & Acupressure
- Advanced Bodyworker & Wellness Practitioner
- Integrative Meridian Therapist
- Somatic Trauma Release Therapist
Begin your career today by attending ATIT. Enroll in our medically based massage school program & advanced bodywork certifications and gain knowledge about practices no other school teaches in the United States. A truly remarkable experience is what you'll receive with an education at ATIT.
Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch and its courses are “Approved and Regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board.” Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch and its “Agents licensed by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board.”

Never before have we had such incredible opportunities for advancement in the healing arts. Imagine learning a career that will truly speak to you as well as help thousands along the way. Learning Somatic Trauma Release (STR) & Integrative Meridian Therapy (IMT) through Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch will allow you to ride the wave of what is only now beginning. Since 1992 ATIT was growing, evolving and advancing bodywork one step at a time until we have arrived at where we are today.
We are seeing a new dawn of care, understanding and acceptance of what other cultures have known for centuries on how people actually heal from trauma, injury and life's little or big mishaps. This wave of mainstream acceptance is just the beginning of where Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) will actually go in the very near future.
I invite you to have a fulfilling, exciting & completely satisfying career as a bodyworker just as I have for the past 25+ years. As an instructor, practitioner and leader of the healing arts movement in the United States and abroad, my life has been greatly blessed.
For over 30 years, I have explained to clients, students & peers about the impact that injury, emotional and physical trauma has on the body, body chemistry and how they are inseparable. I have also been blessed to help many people along the way with IMT & STR that were told they would never recover or thought they had no other options until they tried these two dynamic forms of therapy.
In those early twilight years of CAM, there were only a few of us that were moving alternative health forward in our small communities and researching through case studies what it could do. It was a very lonely time for many of us as we sought to advance these studies and techniques forward knowing they worked, but not having the technological advances to prove it. In time, we did prove over and over again through case studies the efficacy and benefits of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. Now more than 80% of the United States seeks and utilizes some form of CAM on a yearly basis and the acceptance is growing.
My peers and I kept perservering in our beliefs, educating the public and overcoming misunderstandings to try and help our communities understand how healing these modalities were: one person, one profession and one organization at a time. We have come a long way. Over the past several decades of educating people in the Pikes Peak Region, I have been blessed to work with the military, D.A.'s offices, victims advocates, police departments, state legislatures, doctors, other mainstream professions, nonprofits and organizations. In 1995, Franciscan Community Counseling saw the link between bodywork and emotional issues. At that time, FCC's Executive Director and I started the first ever somatic trauma therapy program in the United States to provide Somatic Trauma Release and Integrative Meridian Therapy through their nonprofit. Today that program is still going strong and is a great benefit to their clients and the Pikes Peak Region. In 2017, I was chosen to speak at the National Convention of Crime Victims and First Responders. In 2018, members on their board asked for additional training with a full day program to further educate their professionals on the importance of somato-emotional bodywork in trauma & injury rehabilitation. These organizations see the value and the validity of Advanced Bodywork and utilize Integrative Meridian Therapy & Somatic Trauma Release.
Over the years, I have stated that intuition is scientifically based and have taught it as such sharing my theories. Even MIT is beginning to see the validity of how intuition really works from a physiological perspective. MIT has taken years of theory and put it to scientific measures that I have taught about for decades. Since I first started, I have explained to clients and students that our bodies are like radio transceivers & transmitters and that we send off a low level megahertz frequency which is a form of natural human communication that is present even though we might not see it, hear it or know about it. Through experiments in the past few years, MIT has scientifically proven that our brains do transmit between 2-5 megahertz and it is transmitted without verbalization. Soon, I'm hoping they will be able to research the other end of that communication relationship and see that our central nervous system can also receive these megahertz waves just as a radio receives low frequency sound through a car radio. Thus proving that intuition is scientifically based on wave patterns.
Our theories and beliefs at ATIT are being validated over and over again with new advances in our actual ability to do research surrounding molecular science, physics and epigenetic studies. I can't wait to see what happens next! MIT & Universities across the globe are only now beginning to understand what alernative bodyworkers have been expressing for years based on old scripts, texts and personal understanding of the body. The future really is now and it's only the beginning of something incredible to come.
I invite you to become one of our graduates at ATIT. As a practitioner, you will help impact the world. One person at a time. Let it start with you.
Kim M. Green, Founder
Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch
We are seeing a new dawn of care, understanding and acceptance of what other cultures have known for centuries on how people actually heal from trauma, injury and life's little or big mishaps. This wave of mainstream acceptance is just the beginning of where Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) will actually go in the very near future.
I invite you to have a fulfilling, exciting & completely satisfying career as a bodyworker just as I have for the past 25+ years. As an instructor, practitioner and leader of the healing arts movement in the United States and abroad, my life has been greatly blessed.
For over 30 years, I have explained to clients, students & peers about the impact that injury, emotional and physical trauma has on the body, body chemistry and how they are inseparable. I have also been blessed to help many people along the way with IMT & STR that were told they would never recover or thought they had no other options until they tried these two dynamic forms of therapy.
In those early twilight years of CAM, there were only a few of us that were moving alternative health forward in our small communities and researching through case studies what it could do. It was a very lonely time for many of us as we sought to advance these studies and techniques forward knowing they worked, but not having the technological advances to prove it. In time, we did prove over and over again through case studies the efficacy and benefits of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. Now more than 80% of the United States seeks and utilizes some form of CAM on a yearly basis and the acceptance is growing.
My peers and I kept perservering in our beliefs, educating the public and overcoming misunderstandings to try and help our communities understand how healing these modalities were: one person, one profession and one organization at a time. We have come a long way. Over the past several decades of educating people in the Pikes Peak Region, I have been blessed to work with the military, D.A.'s offices, victims advocates, police departments, state legislatures, doctors, other mainstream professions, nonprofits and organizations. In 1995, Franciscan Community Counseling saw the link between bodywork and emotional issues. At that time, FCC's Executive Director and I started the first ever somatic trauma therapy program in the United States to provide Somatic Trauma Release and Integrative Meridian Therapy through their nonprofit. Today that program is still going strong and is a great benefit to their clients and the Pikes Peak Region. In 2017, I was chosen to speak at the National Convention of Crime Victims and First Responders. In 2018, members on their board asked for additional training with a full day program to further educate their professionals on the importance of somato-emotional bodywork in trauma & injury rehabilitation. These organizations see the value and the validity of Advanced Bodywork and utilize Integrative Meridian Therapy & Somatic Trauma Release.
Over the years, I have stated that intuition is scientifically based and have taught it as such sharing my theories. Even MIT is beginning to see the validity of how intuition really works from a physiological perspective. MIT has taken years of theory and put it to scientific measures that I have taught about for decades. Since I first started, I have explained to clients and students that our bodies are like radio transceivers & transmitters and that we send off a low level megahertz frequency which is a form of natural human communication that is present even though we might not see it, hear it or know about it. Through experiments in the past few years, MIT has scientifically proven that our brains do transmit between 2-5 megahertz and it is transmitted without verbalization. Soon, I'm hoping they will be able to research the other end of that communication relationship and see that our central nervous system can also receive these megahertz waves just as a radio receives low frequency sound through a car radio. Thus proving that intuition is scientifically based on wave patterns.
Our theories and beliefs at ATIT are being validated over and over again with new advances in our actual ability to do research surrounding molecular science, physics and epigenetic studies. I can't wait to see what happens next! MIT & Universities across the globe are only now beginning to understand what alernative bodyworkers have been expressing for years based on old scripts, texts and personal understanding of the body. The future really is now and it's only the beginning of something incredible to come.
I invite you to become one of our graduates at ATIT. As a practitioner, you will help impact the world. One person at a time. Let it start with you.
Kim M. Green, Founder
Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch
What Do You Get?
Our One Of A Kind Curriculum Was The First In The Nation
ATIT's Comprehensive 1800 Triple Certification Education Includes:
- Integrative Meridian Therapy (IMT) Certification ~ Only taught through ATIT & developed by our Founder
- Somatic Trauma Release (STR) Certification ~ PTSD, Trauma, Addictions, Criminal Victimization: Only taught through ATIT & developed by our Founder
- Massage Therapy Certification ~ Neuromuscular Therapy, Medical Pre-Post Surgical Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Japanese Facelift Rejuvenation Therapy, Spa Therapies, Deep Tissue, Swedish, Pathology & Kinesiology, Oncology, Chair, European Style Forms, Rehabilitation Therapies, Cupping, Thai Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Geriatric, Ethics, Anatomy & Physiology, Clinical Practice
- Japanese & Chinese Acupressure, Potent Points (Strong PTSD/Trauma Focus)
- Foot, Hand, Scalp, Face & Auricular Reflexology (Strong PTSD/Trauma Focus)
- Japanese Ethnomedicine, Yoga, Movement, Healing & Energetic Arts of Judo, Shiatsu
- Postural Balancing
- Classical Chinese Ethnomedicine & Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Training
- Myoskeletal Stabilization
- Cranial Therapy
- Visceral Manipulation
- Fascia Release
- Chapman's Neuro-lymphatic Reflex Points ~ Auto-Immune Disorders, Pelvic Thyroid Syndrome, Immune Building
- Neurological Entrainment ~ Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Autism, Multiple Schlerosis
- Individual Based Nutritional, Classical Aromatherapy, Natural Detoxification Techniques & Herbal Remedies (making tinctures, decoctions, infusions and silver)
- Root Cause - Not Protocols
- Basic Light Therapy for Chronic Issues, Dementia, Post Surgical Techniques, Lymphatic Drainage & Pain Reduction
- Energy Healing
- Business Coaching
- Sliding Scale Fee Student Clinic - We Truly Serve The Public
- A Fulfilled Life & Career
- Personal Growth &
- And much more...
About Advanced Therapy Institute of Touch: ATIT has brought in leaders from all over the world to teach over the years. Kim has practiced and studied both professionally & independently with the internal-healing arts of Judo/Shiatsu, Structural Release, Chinese Acupressure, Energy Medicine and Meridian Based Bodywork. She has decades of study in structure, cranial, lymphatics, Chapmans, fascia, TBI, disease, repetitive syndromes, somatic bodywork, trauma, PTSD, assault, rape and addiction. Through a diversity of trainings and learning from a traditional Judo Master her interest was peaked about eastern practices. Kim began researching ancient bodywork scripts from the orient at the same time she was learning hands-on from her teachers, thus resulting in her own two unique approaches. Integrative Meridian Therapy and Somatic Trauma Release are a result of a lifetime of research, reading, training, facilitation and practice. ATIT is a state licensed occupational trade school and specializes in Integrative Meridian Therapy and Somatic Trauma Release Certification. Additionally, we offer continuing education credits and shorter certification programs in a multitude of different areas of study.
Integrative Meridian Therapy (IMT) is a form of bodywork that seeks to balance the human body as a whole organism rather than working with independent systems within the body in a compartmentalized way. For decades students have been limited to individual certifications that compartmentalizes the body. IMT changes this dynamic and combines multiple systems to treat the whole person. IMT utilizes specific compression, traction, and touch techniques to facilitate release and integration in the bodies foundational systems. IMT uses postural balancing, myoskeletal stabilization, lymphatics, fascial connective tissue, the endocrine system, the central nervous system, reflex arcs, muscles, ligaments, tendons, meridians, the energetic system and the deeper emotional base of hidden core patterns in a very specific and unique form. By balancing the human body through specific intentional catalysts which engages the whole organism rather than independent systems within the body, IMT encourages comprehensive relief through relaxation, acute/chronic injury rehabilitation, somatic integration, relief from pain, PTSD recovery, emotional balance and overall body awareness. Integrative Meridian Therapy (IMT) utilizes multiple systems of thought in its form by combining the Japanese meridian system, Chinese acupressure system, Chapman's Neurolymphatic Reflex Points, postural balancing, myoskeletal stabilization and individualized release techniques for the lymph, fascia and connective tissue systems. Because of its traditional emphasis on the meridian systems, IMT also attempts to balance the emotional centers of the body affecting the conscious and subconscious mind.
Somatic Trauma Release (STR) is an innovative form of bodywork that seeks to balance the mind, body & spirit by unraveling core fight or flight responses from PTSD, trauma, assault, rape & addiction through acupressure, touch & somatic trigger exposure which helps bring peace from suffering. STR is a cutting edge therapy that works with the human condition on many conscious and subconscious levels. STR combines understanding of the physiological aspects of trauma with the somatic release of trauma from the body. Patterning, triggering and guarding from trauma can cause many physiological and psychological problems that present themselves within the body. STR can be an avenue for people to start living in the present by releasing past patterning and somatic triggers from the body. STR's goal is to allow recipients to start living up to their full potential instead of being limited by body patterning, triggers, childhood neglect, trauma, addictive behaviors and muscle memory. STR attempts to facilitate people in creating a joyful life by releasing sorrow, grief, physiological patterning, automatic physical responses and emotional triggers.
Because of Kim's fiery drive, compassionate nature and concern for the welfare of all people, she forever helped change the fabric of Colorado Alternative Medicine practices making it legal in 2013 after almost a century of CAM being banned. After her daughters life threatening accident In 2001, with the help of a few committed leaders, she launched a statewide organization called Colorado Citizens for Health Freedom which campaigned to make Alternative Health Practices legal in Colorado under the Health Freedom Act of 2013. Emergency medicine kept her daughter alive, but it could not bring her back to health. It was with the help of a few brave and noble women that her daughter regained her health. They understood homeopathy, Native American & Chinese herbalism, nutrition and other CAM practices that were illegal prior to 2013. These women risked the threat of incarceration to help her daughter which prompted her to work towards changing an unjust law. She wanted to help these women practice legally in the state of Colorado so they could help other families in the same dire need without fear of punishment. Even though Kim could legally practice under her credentials she strongly believed that alternative medicine should be available to everyone without exception and without restriction. The original legislation she helped write and pass will have far reaching and positive impacts for all Colorado citizens for decades to come. Because of this original policy change, yoga and all forms of alternative heath are now legal and using this same precedent setting exemption clause to move their industries forward. Just because the law passed doesn't mean that it's over. Colorado Citizens For Health Freedom is still active today and trying to keep your choice to holistic health care alive. It is a constant battle. Please sign up HERE for updates.